Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Stapler of the Week Archive- Hotchkiss No. 57

Hotchkiss No. 57 steel grey and chrome finish

Hotchkiss No. 57 steel black and chrome finish

Hotchkiss No. 57 box cardboard with printed paper label

These examples of the Hotchkiss No. 57 join the No. 52 and No. 54 in the series but at first glance they reveal only superficial differences between models. The No. 57 uses a slightly narrower gauge 1/8" staple, where as the No. 52 and No. 54 share 3/16" or 1/8" staples. The instructions included in the No. 52 and No. 57 boxes references the method to clear jammed staples "by placing a pencil between the jaws of the plier and compressing the handles" at which point "the patented spring front plate comes into play allowing the crumpled staples to be ejected." The No. 54 is not mentioned in these instructions and this led me to notice a small button located just behind the jaw which when depressed takes the place of the pencil in ejecting a jammed staple. This button is also found on the Elastic Juwel, which leads me to believe it's taken from the German design. All in all another fascinating chapter in the Hotchkiss story.

Excerpt from the Stapler of the Week, February 18, 2009.


  1. I had a customer ask me for a refill on this today! Can anyone help me? Email me at By the way I work at Staples so it's a matter of honor that I help her with this.
